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  • Writer's pictureCamp Cougar

A Stellar Jay Nest

There is a nest in the eaves at each end of the cabin. Most years the nests are empty, but this year one of the nests became home to three fledgling Stellar jays. For at least a week or two, the parents squawked from trees outside the cabin and across from the nest to divert attention away from the growing babies. One day, I saw one head, then two, and then three. Finally all three were out of the nest and standing on the edge of the beam. Within a few days, I found two of them hopping on the ground and attempting unsuccessfully to fly upwards. 

The parents typically herd the small birds around for two weeks or so until they obtain full flight. They should be able to hop to low branches and work themselves upwards to a safe branch while they gain the strength and ability to fly high on their own.

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